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Plugin Information


» Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan

EMail:» gamerz84@hotmail.com


» http://www.lesterchan.net/


» Manages your WordPress database. Allows you to optimize database, backup database, restore database, delete backup database , drop/empty tables and run selected queries.


» WP-DBManager 2.10 For WordPress 2.1.x

» WP-DBManager 2.05 For WordPress 2.0.x

» WP-DBManager 1.00 For WordPress 1.5.2


» N/A


» http://dev.wp-plugins.org/browser/wp-dbmanager/

Translations:» http://dev.wp-plugins.org/browser/wp-dbmanager/i18n/

Support Forums:» http://forums.lesterchan.net/index.php?board=11.0


» 1st February 2007


» The Changelog, Installation, Upgrade, Usage Tab at the top of the page.


» I spent most of my free time creating, updating, maintaining and supporting these plugins, if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks as my school allowance, I will really appericiate it. If not feel free to use it without any obligations. Thank You. My Paypal account is gamerz84@hotmail.com.

» Changelog

Version 2.10 (01-02-2007)

NEW: Works For WordPress 2.1 Only

NEW: Removed database-config.php

NEW: Localize WP-DBManager

NEW: Added The Ability To Auto Detect MYSQL And MYSQL Dump Path

Version 2.05 (01-06-2006)

FIXED: Database Table Names Not Appearing Correctly

NEW: DBManager Administration Panel Is XHTML 1.0 Transitional

Version 2.04 (10-05-2006)

FIXED: Unable To Download Backup DB Due To Header Sent Error

FIXED: Some XHTML Code Fixes

Version 2.03 (01-04-2006)

FIXED: Run Query Box Too Big

FIXED: Header Sent Error

FIXED: Extra Slashes For Mysql/Mysql Dump Path

FIXED: Mismatch Date Due To GMT

Version 2.02 (01-03-2006)

NEW: Improved On ‘manage_database’ Capabilities

NEW: Added GigaBytes To File Size

NEW: Added ALTER Statement To Allowed Queries

NEW: Able To Empty/Drop Tables

NEW: Able To EMail Database Backup File

NEW: Splitted database-manager.php Into Individual Files

NEW: Merge Restore And Delete Backup Database

NEW: Included .htaccess File To Protect Backup Folder

NEW: Checking Of Backup Status

FIXED: Using Old Method To Add Submenu

FIXED: PHP Short Tags

FIXED: Redirect Back To The Same Page Instead Of Manage Database Page After Submitting Form

Version 2.01 (01-02-2006)

NEW: Added ‘manage_database’ Capabilities To Administrator Role

Version 2.00 (01-01-2006)

NEW: Compatible With WordPress 2.0 Only

NEW: GPL License Added

» Installation Instructions

Open wp-content/plugins Folder


Folder: dbmanager

Activate WP-DBManager Plugin

Open wp-content/backup-db Folder


File: .htaccess

The script will automatically create a folder called backup-db in wp-content folder if that folder is writable. If it is not created, please create it and CHMOD it to 777.

Refer To Usage For Further Instructions

» Upgrade Instructions

From v2.0x To v2.10

Deactivate WP-DBManager Plugin

Open wp-content/plugins Folder


Folder: dbmanager


File: wp-content/plugins/dbmanager/database-config.php

Activate WP-DBManager Plugin

Refer To Usage For Further Instructions

» Usage Instructions

General Usage

You can find DBManager under the Database Tab in the WordPress Administration Panel.

本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2007/05/11/wp-dbmanager/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2007年05月11日发表在 others 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: WP-DBManager | 2hei.net
