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Get memcached all items and deleted them if needed.
Jul142010I see there are so many api to operate memcached,such as get and set,but no list all items,so i write a shell just list all the items in memcached and we can delete the items when we don’t know the exactly items key. #!bin/bash# get_items_from_memcached.sh# Usge: sh get_ ...
阅读全文作者:u2 | 分类:OpenSource | 标签:memcached2条评论
write nagios nrpe plugin
Jul012010Scripts and executables must do two things (at a minimum) in order to function as Nagios plugins:1.Exit with one of several possible return values2.Return at least one line of text output to STDOUT Plugin Return Code Service State Host State0 OK UP1 WARNING UP or DOWN/UNREACHABLE*2 CRITICAL DOWN ...