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Canonical “abused trademark law” to target a site critical of Ubuntu privacy

This logo, if not used properly, could get you in trouble.

Canonical, the maker of Ubuntu, has been fending off criticism from privacy advocates because the desktop search tool in recent versions of the operating system also searches the Internet. That means if you’re searching your desktop for a file or application, you might also see results from Amazon or other websites.

One person who dislikes Canonical’s search tool is Micah Lee, a technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation who maintains the HTTPS Everywhere project and is CTO of the Freedom of the Press Foundation. Lee set up a website called “Fix Ubuntu,” which provides instructions for disabling the Internet search tool.

“If you’re an Ubuntu user and you’re using the default settings, each time you start typing in Dash (to open an application or search for a file on your computer), your search terms get sent to a variety of third parties, some of which advertise to you,” the website says.

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本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2013/11/08/custom-id-canonical-abused-trademark-law-to-target-a-site-critical-of-ubuntu-privacythu-07-nov-2013-174241-0800/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2013年11月08日发表在 OpenSource 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: Canonical “abused trademark law” to target a site critical of Ubuntu privacy | 2hei.net
