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Table of network masks

Short Full Maximum Comment

Form Form #Machines

/8 / 16,777,215 Used to be called an `A-class'

/16 / 65,535 Used to be called an `B-class'

/17 / 32,767

/18 / 16,383

/19 / 8,191

/20 / 4,095

/21 / 2,047

/22 / 1,023

/23 / 511

/24 / 255 Used to be called a `C-class'

/25 / 127

/26 / 63

/27 / 31

/28 / 15

/29 / 7

/30 / 3

本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2007/05/21/table-of-network-masks/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2007年05月21日发表在 others 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: Table of network masks | 2hei.net
