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study English everyday (3)

tidy up 整理

in the panel at the head of your bed

run down 撞倒 恶化

fed up 厌烦

continental breakfast 欧式早餐

pullover n.套衫 adj.套领的

maid 女仆

spray 飞沫,喷雾

panel  全体陪审人员, 面板,仪表板

I am after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.

I keep feeling dizzy.

The radio’s terribly loud, could you turn it down in faction?


本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2008/03/27/study_english_everyday_3/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2008年03月27日发表在 English 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: study English everyday (3) | 2hei.net
