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study English everyday(4)

I am still feeling pretty homesick. homesick/思乡,思乡病

It’s bound of be strainge at first.     be bound of/一定的

Can I give a lift? give a lift/免费搭乘,顺风车

I have shivery/ shivery/颤抖的,寒冷的,令人心碎的,易碎的

continental breakfast/欧式早餐

Would you prefer honey, marmalade or jam?  honey/蜂蜜 marmalade/橘子或柠檬等水果制成的果酱

Both of them took off their hetmets. hetmet/头盔

a new brand brand/商标,牌子,烙印;vt,打烙印,侮辱

We are having the house decorated. decorate/装修

I wonder wheather the dentist could fit me in early tomorrow. dentist/牙医

How do you want it? Just a trim, please. trim/a.整齐的;vt.整齐,修整

What have you got in the way of brown, suede jackets,size forty? in the way of/关于…方面 suede/小山羊皮

I am spending a few months brushing up my English. brush up/擦亮,提高,复习

cosy a.舒服的,安逸的

intimate atmosphere intimate/亲密的,隐私的;vt.宣布,表示明白;n.密友

Hid it under your mattress. mattress/床垫

If you took up burglary, you’d made a fortune. burglary/入室抢劫  burglar/夜贼




本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2008/04/03/study_english_everyday4/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2008年04月03日发表在 English 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: study English everyday(4) | 2hei.net
