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Microsoft brings rich node.js support to Visual Studio

As the company continues to court programmers developing on software stacks that aren’t its own, Microsoft has released a plugin for Visual Studio that provides extensive support for Node.js within the Visual Studio IDE.

The Apache-licensed Node.js Tools for Visual Studio offer editing with IntelliSense, Node.js projects, debugging, profiling, and deployment, all inside Microsoft’s IDE. The plugin also includes a graphical interface to Node’s NPM package manager, so Node libraries can be downloaded from the NPM repository, again from within Visual Studio.

Though still only an “alpha” release, the development experience looks remarkably complete already. The plugin is plumbed into the V8 debugger and profiling APIs that Node already uses, so it should provide consistent results and capabilities as Node developers not using the plugin will have.

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本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2013/11/21/custom-id-microsoft-brings-rich-node-js-support-to-visual-studiothu-21-nov-2013-153343-0800/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2013年11月21日发表在 OpenSource 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: Microsoft brings rich node.js support to Visual Studio | 2hei.net
