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“Most powerful” Arduino ever has ARM Cortex-A8 chip, runs “full Linux”

The Arduino Tre.

The Arduino line of open source electronic prototyping platforms is getting some major upgrades. Earlier today, the first Intel-powered Arduino was announced, and it will be available by the end of November.

Arduino has also announced the Arduino Tre, based on the Texas Instruments Sitara AM335x ARM Cortex-A8 processor. Texas Instruments said that with the Tre’s 1GHz processor, it is the “most powerful Arduino to date” and the first that will be able to run “full Linux.” It will be available in spring 2014 from arduino.cc and other distributors, with pricing not yet announced.

“For the first time ever, Arduino users can use the full capabilities of Linux and gain access to a variety of new on-board connectivity options to develop a range of powerful, advanced applications while leveraging the simplicity of the Arduino software experience,” the Texas Instruments announcement said. “The Sitara-processor-powered Arduino Tre serves as a network hub that can connect to millions of classic Arduino nodes, enabling customers to be at the forefront of the Internet-of-Things era.”

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本文固定链接: https://www.2hei.net/2013/10/03/custom-id-most-powerful-arduino-ever-has-arm-cortex-a8-chip-runs-full-linuxthu-03-oct-2013-090723-0700/ | 2hei.net

该日志由 u2 于2013年10月03日发表在 OpenSource 分类下,
原创文章转载请注明: “Most powerful” Arduino ever has ARM Cortex-A8 chip, runs “full Linux” | 2hei.net
